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Wastewater Filtration System for Industrial Wastewater

In mid-May 2020, we completed the delivery of self-cleaning filter systems arranged in parallel using a manifold for the treatment of industrial wastewater:

At a waste processing plant/landfill, we successfully installed three fully automatic self-cleaning filter systems at the beginning of May. The primary objective was to elevate contaminated terrain water to a clean water standard. These systems address various contaminants, including plastic particles, cellulose, organic materials, iron, polystyrene foam, stones, debris, and other residues typical of waste processing. The self-cleaning filters operate independently and automatically, featuring a relatively coarse passage in this specific application. Crafted from corrosion-resistant stainless steel 316, the filter systems are controlled centrally from a PLC/controller cabinet and can also be remotely monitored and managed from a control room.

In collaboration with the waste processor, we conducted extensive testing over several months, involving laboratory-scale tests and on-site trials on the relevant terrain and wastewater. With positive results, we opted for the Suction Pad filter system, capable of self-rinsing without interrupting the flow (outflow/yield). During the filtration process, the filter screen gradually closes due to contamination, a condition monitored by pressure gauges and an electrical signal relayed to the controller. Pressure is measured before and after the filter, enabling the reading of Delta P/pressure difference. When the controller detects a Delta P between 0.6 – 1.2 Bar (adjustable), the self-cleaning filter system initiates an automatic cleaning/rinsing cycle. Suction Pads/nozzles on the inside of the filter screen rotate during this cycle, ensuring thorough cleaning of the filter screen. Simultaneously, an electrically or pneumatically controlled valve opens the drain, expelling the contaminants. Throughout this cycle, the clean water side maintains a consistent yield/flux, typically releasing 20-25 percent for 10-20 seconds (adjustable). Following the rinse cycle, the filter system seamlessly resumes its regular filtration operation.

Following the successful test phase, we received the order, and JMF-Filters BV commenced the production of the triple filter system, securely housed within a stainless steel frame. In-house manufacturing also extended to the Manifold connections. Installation and connection at the landfill/waste processing site occurred at the beginning of May. After two days of on-site work, the system was ready for startup. Subsequent test procedures proceeded smoothly, and the entire system was brought into operation. Another noteworthy project accomplished by JMF-Filters BV, resulting in a satisfied customer.

For tailored filtration solutions and a no-obligation custom-made offer, please reach out to one of our filtration specialists. We are eager to assist you. Our team of filter specialists is available 24/7.

With over 30 years of expertise in liquid filtration, we prioritize unburdening and solution-oriented service. Choose JMF-Filters B.V. for your filtration needs – a decision well made.